And so this is goodbye.
Sitting in a hotel in Seoul with less than 12 hours left in this Korean chapter of my life. It has been a wonderfully, challenging journey and I will always treasure my time here. The people I have met along the way have touched my life in ways I didn't think possible. I will never forget these kids, that spoke a different language than me--yet, we somehow managed to make it work. We created our own language during the process (somewhere between Korean & English--Konglish) and I am hopeful that I too, had a positive impact on their lives, even if only in the smallest of measurements. I will always treasure the inexplicable & unlikely friendship with Son Myungai. The best dinner decision I ever made, was to walk into her kimbap shop last July. From there, each time I went into her shop I learned something new about her and I grew to love her more. I feel lucky that I was so warmly welcomed into her world and given the opportunity to see a side of Korea, I would not have otherwise seen. Son Myungai will forever remain in my heart and I am hopeful I will see her again.
Since this will be the last post for awhile (or ever), I would like to take a few moments to thank a few people from home who have been so supportive to me on this journey. If it wasn't for these people, just being in my life and being a good friend to me, my experiences here would have been incredibly different. One thing I grew to realize during this time is how much I really need and depend on my close friends and family for emotional support. This journey has been difficult and filled with no small amount of frustrations and at times sadness. Fortunately, the interesting & fun times far outweigh the negative, but if it wasn't for my support system, the hard times would have been unbearable. The people that I am going to thank are certainly not the only people who have been supportive during this year---they're just the people who I've depended on more for companionship & support than others. So I sincerely thank everyone who wrote me emails, sent letters & care packages during this time. All those things really make you feel very loved and so much closer to home. Now, on to thank a few specific people....
Dan, of course... you have always been such a positive and supportive person in my life. Thank you for reminding me to be the captain of my ship. I appreciate you more than you know. If it wasn't for your constant encouragement, I don't know that I would have ever made it here in the first place. You are a treasure in my life and I am grateful that we were fortunate enough for our paths to cross. You are so important to me and I look forward to seeing you on the other side of our journeys.
Ann.... There have been so many times this past year, that I felt incredibly alone. And in so many of those moments, I would get "facebooked" or an e-card from you that would just let me know that you were thinking about me. I can't tell you how much these little tokens, have meant to me. I had a really hard time those first few months, so it was extra important to know that someone from home was thinking of me and sending me good thoughts. It may seem like such a small thing, but when you're so far away from home---it was so much more than that to me.
Amy....Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for all the long, phone conversations. Thank you for loving me for who I am and being a constant confidant. I feel that I have a very true, solid, and honest friendship with you. I love that I can tell you anything in the world and you hold it close and support me no matter the circumstances. I feel lucky, because you are not only my sister, but you are one of my best friends. Thanks for keeping all my secrets safe. I love you!
Tracy...what can I say, I love you just for being you! I love that your crazy work hours allowed me the privilege of getting to talk to you on almost a nightly basis! I love that you would text me little 'love bombs' frequently! I feel that this year, I have probably talked to you more on the phone than in many years past. You've always made a strong impression on me, but more so now, I am impressed with the woman you have become and I'm proud of you for the life you've created for yourself. You're just one hell of a woman. I am grateful that I'm lucky enough to call you my good friend, 20 years later. Can't wait to see you this spring & summer!!
So with these goodbyes, my Korean life comes to an end. Over the next 5 weeks I'll be travelling to Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, & Cambodia..enjoying a much needed vacation and journey through a part of the world I never imagined I would be visiting. I am really excited to see what's in store! I'll be back in The States on April 1st. Who knows what will happen next. Some time after I get back, I'll try to add a few more photos of Korea and some from my travels.
Until then... Good bye and thank you Korea! You are an alright country! Leaving you is bitter/sweet.