14 September 2011

the dentist of much common sense and esturaries

The time has finally come that I must brave a Korean dentist.  I am a faithful follower of the 6-month rule of getting my teeth cleaned and I am the only person I know who sincerely looks forward to it.  I LOVE the dentist (american ones at least).  In anticipation of coming to Korea, I decided to add in one extra cleaning, so that it would hopefully tide me over until I got back to the states.  Unfortunately, I am noticing an ugly bit of tarter on my teeth and therefore decided not to wait it out for another 6 months.

One of my friends here has been spreading Korean dental horror stories.  She scared me.  She said she felt like they were going on an archaeological excavation in her mouth by sticking sharp pointy objects up into the root line, in between the gums and scraping for days.  Her and her husband both shed a tear or two at the painful experience.  She told me this story about 4 months ago, and since then I have been pretty confident in my decision to not experience it first hand.  Some things you just have to take someones word for it!  Sadly, the plaque is more than I can bare.  I will be brave.

HOWEVER, while researching dentists in the area, I came across this tag-line on a website of a dentist that was recommended to me by a facebook group in Ulsan:

" I want to esturaries affordable teeth whitening.  It’s four!  All hoping for.  We must press on a daily basis to exert US toothpaste in them.  Dentists also easy to understand public assistance cases and the treatment of common sense is a dentist."
Where do I sign up???  Not only will they clean my teeth, but they will give treatment in the cases of common sense.  What more could I ask for?  Korea rocks that way---a little teeth cleaning, a little common sense...
The great thing about many businesses here is that they are open late!  In Korea, I can go get my teeth cleaned at 8 p.m.  Not sure if this is before or after the 'Soju common sense' party though.  I guess I'll find out.



  1. Oh my lands!!! I am anticipating this tale:) I feel very fortunate to have two very sweet and chatty southern women cleaning my teeth every six months. Ha! My internet has been sporadic and blogger has been a pain in my rear, but I so enjoy reading your blog!!

  2. Hi Jhona! I am sooo glad you are enjoying reading this. It really does make me so happy. You are lucky to have dentists you like...however, it is kind of awkward when they keep talking to you, asking questions and then sticking objects in your mouth. :) I have had a few like that. I just hope I actually get a cleaning from the Korean dentists and not a root canal.


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