I've gone through my photos and I've taken so many random pictures these past months. I've decided to put all of them together, into their own little mish mash series.
This is the logo for a very old and very much so closed down bar. The building was in pretty rough shape and although you can't see all the detail here, the sign is peeling off. I just liked the look of it.
They put pictures on a lot of the stalls here so you know what kind of toilet you'll be getting. The proper name is called, "Traditional Asian Toilet" although it's much uglier stepsister nickname is called, "The Squatty Potty". I call it the latter. :)
I like the demonstration.
The next few are in Ulsan Ecological Park. It was quite lovely.
There were these incredibly long tunnels of gourds, galore. It was pretty cool walking through them.
and more gourds...
and more gourds...
and more gourds...
and more gourds...
I can't remember what kind of bird this is. A heron? Maybe?
This was at a coffee shop near my home. We ordered cocoa and after we finished that, the host brought us some tea. It was very pretty.
This was the view from my partment a few months back. Very dramatic skies here...at times.
Freaky spider. Unfortunately this is not a rare sight to see. HeeBee-GeeBeez just looking at it!
Korean cemetary
I find the mound style very interesting.
This is a little more tradional burial mounds. You see these all over the place. Just unmarked burial grounds. There is usually a path to them, so someone is doing upkeep on them, but they are pretty non-descript. This one was located about 15 feet off of a hiking trail.
These were located at the base of the hiking trail.
Just a random photo of a shed. We were at a bus stop just above it.
The next few are photos that Dan took. This was taken just a couple blocks from my house. You see people down on the beach drying seaweed all the time. I was really happy to see that he got a picture of this woman. This is a very common sight here. You see tons of women in this squat position selling vegetables, working etc. I have not had enough guts to ask to photograph them (yet).
In case you ever wondered how the SeaWeed is prepared, you should rest easier knowing that it is laying in the street with people walking, spitting, stumping out cigarette butts and other gross things (public urination is not uncommon). I've seen many things laying out drying in the street...veggies & fish most commonly.
Unfortunate end to some fish...
We're still in the "Dan Series"... I think this is some sort of love bridge. People write their names (theirs & their lovers) and lock it to this railing and it binds their love. :) It is kind of neat. I haven't been there yet.
Great photo Dan! :)
Now, back to me... In Seoul...rainy day.
Rainy Seoul Nights
This is a walk through, that connects from Seoul Station (railroad/subway) to the other side of a very busy street. In each of those dividers are homeless people. It was very depressing walking through there (and a tad smelly).
Accidental picture of some side street in Seoul
Back to Ulsan. Love Motel Alley.
This looks like it used to be a store or a patio area...but now is overgrown with stuff & junk.
These are some great pics.