18 December 2011

fancy food & product displays

Street Food!  What's not to love?  Battered & deep fried goodness.

The restaurant put this little tray of food out on the street to show a sample of their menu or maybe the special.

This was was the onset of the weight gain.  They do waffles right here!  You can get them covered in gelato, with mounds of whip cream; Fruit & whip cream stuffed in between, for a waffle sandwich;  Waffles dipped in chocolate.  I will never look at waffles the same. 


This one is a window display at dunkin donuts.  This country does cakes right too!

I went to dinner at Son Myung-ai's house this evening.  This was dessert!  Very delicious.

And this was the main course.  It is called, "Jin-da" which basically means 'boiled chicken'.  I fear a rather boring name for something so extravagant & interesting.  It was very likely the best meal I have had since my arrival in Korea. 

And the award for the creepiest window display goes to.....

Seriously creepy, right?  This was at an upscale boutique too!

It is not as spooky without the TV glowing, white noise--but still a little off.  I actually quite liked the display.  Creepy and artsy looking. 


  1. omg! this ALL looks so good! which ones are you bringing home for me?

  2. Hmmm...for you..I'll bring it all home! Although, I suspect it may be less than desirable after a month in my suitcase in Thailand. There's still time to come visit me though and I'd be happy to take you on a culinary tour of Korea!


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